One-liner to get a POSIX path list

This works:

-- For this to work, there must be at least one folder with a folder action.
tell application "System Events" to set folderActionList to path of every folder action
choose from list folderActionList with empty selection allowed --> just to show HFS path list
set folderActionListPOSIX to {}
repeat with item_i in folderActionList
	copy POSIX path of item_i to end of folderActionListPOSIX
end repeat
set folderActionList to folderActionListPOSIX
choose from list folderActionList with empty selection allowed --> This is the format I need

This one-line syntax doesn’t:

tell application "System Events" to set folderActionList to POSIX path of every folder action

Is there any one-line syntax that does work? I tried many but, probably not the right one :confused:
A clear “No” would be good as well :wink:


The cause of the problem is that folder action is not a disk item, so it has no POSIX path property.
It has a path property (as you showed), but you cannot coerce the items of a list while fetching the list - a loop is the only way.
I think.

Thanks alastor,
That’s good to know :slight_smile: