Anyone who has an idea how I can open the clipboard window in MacOSX
the script
tell application “Finder”
open clipboard
end tell
results always to a error
mfg Klaus
Anyone who has an idea how I can open the clipboard window in MacOSX
the script
tell application “Finder”
open clipboard
end tell
results always to a error
mfg Klaus
You may have to use GUI scripting.
[This script was automatically tagged for color coded syntax by Convert Script to Markup Code]
Make sure “Enable Access for Assistive Devices” is turned on in the “Universal Acess” pane of System Preferences for GUI scripting to work.
Hope this helps.
nice script but i get always
because o language i tried this
click menu item 8 of menu 4 of menu bar 1
click menu item “Zwischenablage einblenden” of menu “Bearbeiten” of menu bar 1
but always get:
„System Events“ hat einen Fehler erhalten:
NSReceiverEvaluationScriptError: 4
Which version of OS X are you running? If not 10.3.x (Panther), which version of System Events are you running? System Events version 1.2 or later is required for UI scripting to work. Jaguar users must download and install v1.2 (beta software) to use UI scripting.
Run the following code to check the version of System Events.
tell application "System Events" to version
display dialog "System Events version " & result & " is installed on this Mac."
– Rob
I am using 10.3.3
Language = German
System events vers 1.2.1
This works for me on my Jaguar setup.
tell application "System Events"
set frontmost of process "Finder" to true
tell process "Finder" to tell menu bar 1 to ¬
click menu item 8 of menu 4
end tell
Is this the first UI script that you have attempted to use? If yes, have you visited the Universal Access pref pane to “Enable access for assistive device”? Sorry, I don’t know the German translation. It is required for UI scripting.
– Rob