open folder based on input

i want Finder to open a folder (on server) which name bagins with a number (00001… for instance)
i need to input that number at the time i click on the script, that will be the first action - asking for input for that number, then the appropriate folder opens

Pretty crude, but it should get you going:

[This script was automatically tagged for color coded syntax by Convert Script to Markup Code]

how the path will look like exactly if the folder is on a server volume - Production and inside a “test” folder

I’ve changed line:

open folder “Path:to:” & userReply
open folder userReply of folder “test” of disk “Production”

I don’t know if it changed anything but I’m trying to make this script to open a folder that STARTS with whatever userReply is being set to

in other words, if in the dialog bog I type in: 001 and the actual foldername is: 001_job_Bla, I want the script to be able to detect that and open that folder

Try this:

display dialog “Enter something:” default answer “”
set fn to text returned of result
tell application “Finder”
open (first folder of disk “Civilization III” whose name begins with fn)
end tell
