open location broken in 10.3 ?

I have a simple script that opens a couple of different web pages in the default browser in os x. After upgrading to 10.3 the script is broken. I get a error -1703 some data was the wrong type??? Please help,

here is the script. very simple.

tell application "Finder"
	open location ""
end tell

This works for me…

open location ""

“open location” is part of the Standard Additions, therefore the Finder tell block is not needed in the script.

And you are using OS 10.3?
I have tested it on 2 machiens and it fails on both.

Yes, I’m using 10.3.1 (Panther)

I took off the tell … and end tell and it works fine.
Why that makes a difference in 10.3 I have no idea.