I have a simple script that opens a couple of different web pages in the default browser in os x. After upgrading to 10.3 the script is broken. I get a error -1703 some data was the wrong type??? Please help,
here is the script. very simple.
tell application "Finder"
open location "http://webpagelink.com"
end tell
This works for me…
open location "http://webpagelink.com"
“open location” is part of the Standard Additions, therefore the Finder tell block is not needed in the script.
And you are using OS 10.3?
I have tested it on 2 machiens and it fails on both.
Yes, I’m using 10.3.1 (Panther)
I took off the tell … and end tell and it works fine.
Why that makes a difference in 10.3 I have no idea.