opening an Address Book contact as a window

Not sure if this is possible. I want to have Apple Script open a contact’s card based on an email.

I am trying to add a ‘service’ to that will pop open the address card of the email selected from Address Book.

I think I can figure out how to scan the AB for the contact that contains the email, then set variables to the phone number and stuff, then display it, BUT, I would it to just launch AB and have the contact displayed.

is this possible?

Model: Mac Book Pro
Browser: Safari 531.9
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.6)


I don’t know how to implement this in Mail (probably with a service) but this code opens an Address Book card by a given name

	tell application "Address Book" to set theID to id of person "John Doe"
	open location "addressbook://" & theID
on error
	display dialog "no matching contact found"
end try

Thank You. Half way there. Now need to figure out how to find ID of Person based on an email address.