Opening encrypted SparseDiskImage

I have a single file in an encrypted sparse disk image that contains all of my important passwords, and later I will add financial data. It is a TextEdit file.

I have an automator set up as such:
Get Finder item… the sparse disk image
Open Finder item (with default app)
Wait for user imput (may not be exact)… this is needed to pause the automator while I put in my password to allow the image to mount… then I have to click the continue on the wait as well.
Get Finder item… the document
Open Finder item (with default app)

This all works… but, I am asked to put in my SparseImage password again… which I can, or not, as it is already properly mounted.

How can I get this to work without this redundancy.

Note, the way I open this file now is that I have an alias in the Dock. When I click on it, OSX prompts me for the SI password, and automatically opens the SI, TE, and the document.

The reason I want to automate this (it is quite simple as I have it set up already) is that I really want to automate the back end of the process, which is to :::::: Have another Wait for User Input. Then when I finish with the file and click Continue, Automator will: Save the document, Quit TE, Eject the SI. That part I think I will have no problem with. It is the front end that is giving me the headache.

Of course, I could do what I did last time I tried to use Automator… write an Applescript instead.


Model: Intel Mac mini
AppleScript: Latest
Browser: Safari
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)