I have this script running on 12 G5:s under 10.4.10, and I THINK that it is the script that sometimes on random machines wants to launch Classic, getting this message: “Classic cannot find a Mac OS 9 system folder on the startup disk to use…”
We do not have classic installed on our machines, so I would like to solve this problem, can any of you script aces out there see if there is anything “Classic-looking” in this script?
(It works fine except from this random glitch)
tell application "System Events" to set this_user to (name of current user)
tell application "Finder"
set UtskjutningsMApp to folder "MALLOBJEKT" of folder "AUTO_MALLAR" of folder "_TEKNIK_" of disk "Server" as alias
set LokalMallMapp to folder this_user of folder "Users" of disk "Systemdisk" as alias
set the ShootOut_folder to folder "UTKOPIERAT_TILL" of folder "AUTO_MALLAR" of folder "_TEKNIK_" of disk "Server" as alias
set LokalDorisMapp to disk "Systemdisk" as alias
if not (exists folder this_user of the ShootOut_folder) then
tell application "Finder" to duplicate UtskjutningsMApp to LokalMallMapp replacing yes
on error e
display dialog "Something is wrong" buttons "Cancel" default button "Cancel"
end try
make new folder at the ShootOut_folder with properties {name:{this_user} as string}
on error
display dialog "The folder " & (this_user as string) & " could not be created." buttons "Avbryt" default button "Avbryt"
end try
end if
end tell
Regards / Johan