Outlook Express 4.5 Problems

Hi. I’m trying to make an Outlook Express script, that when files are dragged onto it, it asks for an email address then creates a window to that person with the attachments.
My Current code is:

on open (theFilesToWorkWith)
   set sendtothisperson to text returned of (display dialog "To whom should I send these files to?" default answer "")
   tell application "Outlook Express"
      {make new draft window with properties {to recipients:sendtothisperson}}
   end tell
end open

The problem occurs with the making of the draft window. I need to know how to send the draft window the attachment. Thanks for your time.

I don’t know the answer, but one of these might:
Outlook Express 5.0 for Mac was released by Microsoft on October 19, 1999. Omar Shahine maintains the Unofficial Outlook Express Page, where you can find his Schedule OE and a great many other scripts. It has been updated to add scripts specifically for Outlook Express 5.0, including a script that lets you create and exchange sound sets. Dan Crevier has posted several Outlook Express AppleScripts for Outlook Express 4 and later. Speak Sender for OE is a script by Ulrich von Brunn to tell Outlook Express to speak the sender’s name and the subject of incoming emails. Matt Ridley also maintains a page of Outlook Express 5 scripts. 5/11/00
The above is from the Applescript Sourcebook:Links page