I have this script that moves enclosures in an email to a specific folder on my Mac.
In V2011 it worked a dream. In V365 is stopped working. I get the following error and do not know how to fix this.
tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
get current messages
--> {}
error "Can’t get item 1 of {}." number -1728 from item 1 of {}
here is the first part of the script.
tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
set selectedMsg to (current messages)
set selectedMsg to item 1 of result
set msgAttachment to attachments of selectedMsg
set msgAttachment to result's item 1
set attachmentName to name of msgAttachment
set attachmentFile to ((path to desktop) & attachmentName) as text
--> save message to disk before we open it
save msgAttachment in file attachmentFile -- NB. 'file' specifier.
end tell