I have a simple Applescript to resize and image and then pad it to make the image square in aspect ratio.
The default color for padding the image is black, and I’m trying to pad the image with white.
The URL: http://developer.apple.com/releasenotes/AppleScript/RN-AppleScript/index.html says,
“… The pad command has an optional with pad color parameter. [5234464] …”
This leads me to think its possible, but I haven’t been able to figure out how to do it, nor have I found any examples of the correct syntax. I’ve also found the man page for "sips – scriptable image processing system with the following entries:
-p pixelsH pixelsW
--padToHeightWidth pixelsH pixelsW
Pad image with pixels to fit specified size.
--padColor hexcolor
Use this color when padding. White=FFFFFF, Red=FF0000, Default=Black=000000
I found another reference that talks about doing a system call from Applescript, so that seems like another option, but again I haven’t found enough details to figure out how to do it.
Anyone know how to pad an image with white instead of black ?
Model: imac
Browser: Firefox
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.5)