Howdy… it’s the Try & Error guy again
I wonder if it is possible with applescript to check emails, rss-feeds or websites (in intervalls (realized by cron-jobs)) for ituneslinks from the US-Store?
Reason: Itunes gives away free songs/music-videos every week (one or more) and searching them every week is very…ehm… you know
I found a website,, that gives you links to the free songs & musicvideos. That helps me, and I think some other people too, to get to know some new music.
The iTunes-Links always have - obviusly - the same format like:[u][b]viewVideo[/b][/u]?id=292746652&[u][b]s=143441[/b][/u]
the underlined parts in the URL are 1. type of media (music/video), 2. the iTunesStore (the US-Store in this case)
The RSS-feed always uses, as far as I could see, “Songs Free on iTunes” for promoting the free songs and videos in the US-iTunesStore.
I think the email are based on a similar linking principle but I am not sure about that right now (just subscribed the newsletter).
So back to the Question. Is it possible to look only for links that have specific “tags” in it like s=143441 (for the US-Store) and viewVideo/viewAlbum and then to download these?
I know that there are some widget around but you still have to download the songs by yourself…
Thank you very much for any useful and helping comments on this