Parsing JSON files

I need to be able to read in a JSON file (no big deal) and then parse it within AppleScript. I can’t use third-party faceless apps and the like, because my script needs to be self-contained and easy for inexperienced users to use.

Does anyone know of any kind of open-source JSON parser built in native AppleScript code? If not, I will need to write a basic one myself… any tips on the best string manipulation routines in AppleScript to do this sort of thing? I don’t know a lot about AppleScript’s capabilities in this area.

Thanks in advance!


There is a */json/ file for parsing json with python, that should be in your python installment.

If you click forums, you’ll find a topic called string handling. There is also a text item delimiter tutorial in the unscripted forum.

Good luck! :slight_smile:


it’s a pity that you don’t want to use at least a AppleScriptObjC script library.
Cocoa can convert JSON to array/list or dictionary/record in one line.

I would use a script stored as a package.
In the package would be :
(1) the script itself
(2) the library file.

The script would check if the library file is already installed in the Script Libraries folder.
If it isn’t, it would copy the embedded version to the named folder.
After that, in both cases, it would do its “normal” duty which means call the library to decipher the json file.

Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) samedi 23 août 2014 22:43:17

The closest you can get is using bash commands like Python or AppleScriptObjC. There are two problems with parsing JSON. The first is that associative arrays/objects are not as dynamic interchangeable with AppleScript because records with user defined fields are not as easy to use as in JavaScript. You can’t create records on the fly for example without using cumbersome methods (store them in a file and print them using osascript). This is the real problem you’re facing in AppleScript and only AppleScriptObjC, faceless background apps like AppleScriptObjC runner made by Shane, 3rd party scripting additions and Bash are the only things I can think of that can help you manage those records. The second is performance, JSON is a perfect way to parse while reading (streaming) which makes it very useful even outside JavaScript because it’s faster to marshal and unmarshal than XML for example. AppleScript is not designed to do this, so even normal data could end up in slow code while a python command or AppleScriptObjC solution would parse and get the right data out of it in a blink of an eye.

Here an python example which can save you a lot time in AppleScript:

set JSONString to "[{ 
    \"name\": \"AppleScript\",
    \"type\": \"Scripting Language\",
    \"see also\": [ \"Hypercard\"] 
    \"name\": \"JavaScript\",
    \"type\": \"Prototype Based\",
    \"see also\": [\"ECMAScript\", \"Python\"] 
do shell script "python -c 'import json,sys
print obj[1][\"type\"]' <<<" & quoted form of JSONString

This is an old post that I’d like to comment on.

The following compound command transforms a JSON string into an equivalent Applescript value by taking advantage of the remarkable similarity of the Applescript and JSON value specifications. The primary differences between the two seem to be JSON’s use of double-quoted text strings for record labels (called object keys in JSON) and JSON’s allowance of a single value to span multiple lines. JSON’s use of square brackets to enclose lists (called arrays in JSON) does not require transformation, since square brackets are an acceptable alternative to curly braces for enclosing Applescript lists. The sed command converts double-quoted object keys to piped record labels (which “automatically” become unpiped if not needed), and the tr command strips any linefeed or carriage return characters:

set applescriptValue to run script (do shell script ("echo " & jsonString's quoted form & " | sed -E 's/\"([^\"]+)\"[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*/|\\1|:/g' | tr -d '\\n\\r'"))

Using an example taken from the web:

set jsonString to "{ 
    \"MenuName\":\"Lunch Menu\", 
            \"Name\":\"TUSCANI MEDITERRANEAN CON POLLO\", 

set applescriptValue to run script (do shell script ("echo " & jsonString's quoted form & " | sed -E 's/\"([^\"]+)\"[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*/|\\1|:/g' | tr -d '\\n\\r'"))
{MenuID:5, MenuVersion:1, MenuName:"Lunch Menu", MenuItems:{{|name|:"TUSCANI MEDITERRANEAN CON POLLO", |description|:"Pasta", PKID:2, ParentID:1, Ingredients:{{PKID:123, IngName:"Cheese", Included:true, ExtraPrice:0}, {PKID:124, IngName:"Sausage", Included:false, ExtraPrice:0.99}}, ItemPricing:{{PKID:456, SizeName:"Large", SizePrice:12.99}, {PKID:678, SizeName:"Small", SizePrice:14.99}}}}}

It has successfully decoded a number of JSON strings in my testing thus far. Are there any flaws with this straightforward decoding technique? (Two that come to mind are: (1) if a JSON text string value contains a pattern mimicking an object key, i.e., a double-quoted string following by a colon character, presumably a fairly rare occurrence in real-life usage; and (2) if a JSON text string value contains a linefeed or carriage return character. If one knew that neither of those patterns would be encountered, then I believe the above command would work well. Alternatively, both of those problems could be resolved by tokenizing text string values before running the above command, then detokenizing the result.)

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If there aren’t, it’s a rare beast. You might care to read this:

Stuff like parsing JSON and XML is consigned to code libraries for good reason. It can be fun trying to write you’re own, but all you’re doing is writing bugs waiting to happen.

If there were no alternative, I’d say go for it. But we have several, so IMO this is a really bad idea.

I did. A big problem seems to be the fuzzy nature of the JSON standard and the resulting large number of edge cases that can break a parser. I’ve taken to heart your recommendation to stick with code libraries (excepting perhaps where you know your JSON source well and are confident that it will remain simple and well-behaved.)

I’m still not sure why you would bother. I mean, the combination of run script and do shell script isn’t exactly fast – a simple test here shows it takes > 100 times as long as using NSJSONSerialization.

You are of course right. But I guess I still get a thrill out of one-line solutions…sometimes they’re just plain fun.

Don’t we all :slight_smile:

set theResult to (current application's NSJSONSerialization's JSONObjectWithData:((current application's NSString's stringWithString:jsonString)'s dataUsingEncoding:(current application's NSUTF8StringEncoding)) options:0 |error|:(missing value)) as record

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Touché :slight_smile:

P.S. My run script…do shell script… solution takes only 30-40, not >100, times as long as your AppleScriptObjC solution here!! :lol:

I use jq to parse weather information in json format from Weather Underground.

For example:

set MoonPhase to do shell script "cat " & DirectoryPad & "/AstroDatabase.json | /usr/local/bin/jq -r .moon_phase.phaseofMoon"

When using JavaScript syntax you can write an entire program in a single line. I think the biggest thrill is using less as possible resources and the least instructions.

[format]function run(argv){
// get current application
var app = Application.currentApplication();
// load specific osax
var StandardAddition = (app.includeStandardAdditions = true, app);
// define string to display
var str = “Hello World!”;
// show the dialog

Is the same as:

[format]function run(argv){var app = Application.currentApplication();var StandardAddition = (app.includeStandardAdditions = true, app);var str = “Hello World!”;StandardAddition.displayDialog(str);};[/format]

Of course quite irrelevant in most situations. JSON data is downloaded with the required time and only once. It is changed, and evaluated and the the processing starts.

When you have an output from a shell command for example.

In my opinion it’s using less as possible resources and the most efficient code (regardless of the number of instructions or the number of lines).

What really got my juices flowing in this particular problem is the remarkable similarity between JSON and Applescript value specifications. It seemed almost irresistible simply to do a sed…tr… transform on a well-formed JSON string and run script it into an Applescript object.

Besides the hit in execution speed (which may or may not be relevant in a given usage scenario), the key term is well-formed. If not, the run script…do shell script… approach might well fail.

That is the least instructions :slight_smile: Of course with AS you don’t know what your instructions are because they’re bundled in something we know as commands.

They used to be (and I think still are) technically different in AppleScript, but it probably won’t affect the usability of the resulting lists.

It could, of course, all be done in the sed code: :slight_smile:

set applescriptValue to run script (do shell script ("echo " & jsonString's quoted form & " | sed -En 's/\"([^\"]+)\"[[:space:]]*:/|\\1|:/g; H; $ {g; s/[[:cntrl:]]+//g; p;}'"))

Shane Stanley wrote:

Then I better have a look at my weather program again, I use the “do shell script” with the JQ parser quite a lot.

I almost forgot that before the JQ parser I used something else to parse in AppleScript JSON information. This is the program JSON Helper, with this program you can parse JSON into regular AppleScript lists and records.

I switched to the jq parser, because for me as a AppleScript beginner this was much easier. I changed some of my jq code to get the same information with JSON Helper.

tell application "JSON Helper"
	set AstroDataBase to fetch JSON from ""
end tell

set AgeOfMoon to ((AgeOfMoon of moon_phase) in AstroDataBase)

The [ url ] and [ /url ] are not part of my code.

This of course is also not what treed needs, but maybe somebody else finds it useful.

I think you’re missing my point. I don’t see how the source of the output makes any difference to the argument that pre-existing libraries are to be preferred over rolling your own code for things like JSON parsing.

It may affect your choice of library – you might prefer to pipe it to python, for example – but that’s a different issue.