parsing xml and data source

Hi all,

I’m parsing an xml file (using System event) and during the parsing, I’m putting name and value from xml into a data source…

but I did not manage to create a child for my data source within the “tell System Event” block…

Here is the script.

I would be very grateful is some one could help me, or give me advice about things I do wrong.

global dataSource

on awake from nib theObject

	-- Processing tree view
	if name of theObject is "treeSV" then
		-- create the data source
		set dataSource to make new data source at end of data sources with properties {name:"Bias"}
		-- create the data columns
		tell dataSource
			make new data column at end of data columns with properties {name:"Bias"}
			make new data column at end of data columns with properties {name:"Norm"}
			make new data column at end of data columns with properties {name:"Wilcoxon"}
			make new data column at end of data columns with properties {name:"Student"}
		end tell
		-- create first parent (this will be always like that)
		set parentItemAC to make new data item with properties {name:"Atomic content"} at end of data items of dataSource
		set contents of data cell "Bias" of parentItemAC to "Atomic content"
		set contents of data cell "Norm" of parentItemAC to ""
		set contents of data cell "Wilcoxon" of parentItemAC to ""
		set contents of data cell "Student" of parentItemAC to ""
		set parentItemAAC to make new data item with properties {name:"Amino acid content"} at end of data items of dataSource
		set contents of data cell "Bias" of parentItemAAC to "Amino acid content"
		set contents of data cell "Norm" of parentItemAAC to ""
		set contents of data cell "Wilcoxon" of parentItemAAC to ""
		set contents of data cell "Student" of parentItemAAC to ""
		set parentItemAAP to make new data item with properties {name:"Amino acid parameters"} at end of data items of dataSource
		set contents of data cell "Bias" of parentItemAAP to "Amino acid parameters"
		set contents of data cell "Norm" of parentItemAAP to ""
		set contents of data cell "Wilcoxon" of parentItemAAP to ""
		set contents of data cell "Student" of parentItemAAP to ""
		set parentItemPP to make new data item with properties {name:"Protein parameters"} at end of data items of dataSource
		set contents of data cell "Bias" of parentItemPP to "Protein parameters"
		set contents of data cell "Norm" of parentItemPP to ""
		set contents of data cell "Wilcoxon" of parentItemPP to ""
		set contents of data cell "Student" of parentItemPP to ""
		-- getting child from xml parsing of an xml file
                -- path to xml file
	        set xmlFile to (getMyFolder() & "/results.xml")
	        display dialog "begin XML parsing"
          	-- get xml data from xml file
	        set xmlData to getData(xmlFile)

        	tell application "System Events"
		set root to XML element 1 of xmlData
		repeat with i from 1 to (count XML element of root)
			set lvl1_e to XML element i of root
			if (lvl1_e's name is "result") then
				repeat with j from 1 to (count XML element of lvl1_e)
					set lvl2_e to XML element j of lvl1_e
					repeat with k from 1 to (count XML element of lvl2_e)
						set lvl3_e to XML element k of lvl2_e
						set biasName to ""
						set biasNorm to ""
						set biasFami to ""
						if lvl3_e's name is "biasName" then
							set biasName to lvl3_e's value
						end if
						if lvl3_e's name is "biasNormalization" then
							set biasNorm to lvl3_e's value
						end if
						if lvl3_e's name is "biasFamilly" then
							set biasFami to lvl3_e's value
						end if

--- Here is the problem (biasFami directly refers to the name of one of the four paretn already created)
						set childItem to make new data item at end of data items of parentItem whose name is biasFami

					end repeat
				end repeat
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
	display dialog res as string
	display dialog "end XML tool"

		-- Assign the data source to the outline view
		set data source of outline view "treeBias" of scroll view "treeSV" of window "BiasViewer" to dataSource
	end if
end awake from nib

on getData(theFile)
	set theXmlfile to (POSIX file theFile) as Unicode text
	tell application "System Events" to return (contents of XML file theXmlfile)
end getData

should I use a nested list, and then to instantiate a data source from this list ?

Offhand, I would change this.

set childItem to make new data item at end of data items of parentItem whose name is biasFami

.to this:

tell me to set childItem to make new data item at end of data items of parentItem whose name is biasFami

System Events doesn’t know anything about your application’s data items/source.


thanks for your help :slight_smile:

I’ve tried this :

tell me to set childItem to make new data item at end of data items of parentItem whose name is biasFami

I get : Can’t make data item into type type class. (-1700)

so I’ve tried this :

tell me to set parentItem to (data item of dataSource whose name is biasFami)
--tell me to set childItem to make new data item at end of data items of parentItem

I get : Can’t make data item of «class datS» id 10 whose name = “Protein parameters” into type reference. (-1700)

hm… I’m still on this.