I need t parse xml for an applescript project and i got a start but for some reason my code is not operating the way I expected it to it does find the item I’m looking for but does not return a value
here is the code
set xmlFile to ((choose file without invisibles) as string)
tell application "System Events"
set xdata to XML element 1 of contents of XML file xmlFile
set foo to my getxml(xdata, "line1")
return foo
end tell
on getxml(xmldata, e)
tell application "System Events"
repeat with i from 1 to count of XML elements of xmldata
set e_name to (get name of XML element i of xmldata) as Unicode text
log e_name
if e_name is equal to e then
display dialog "hello"
return value of XML element i of xmldata
my getxml(XML element i of xmldata, e)
end if
end repeat
end tell
end getxml
You haven’t given yourself any way to return a value in that subroutine… so it’s not returning a value. Try this…
set xmlFile to ((choose file without invisibles) as string)
tell application "System Events"
set xdata to XML element 1 of contents of XML file xmlFile
set foo to my getxml(xdata, "line1")
return foo
end tell
on getxml(xmldata, e)
set returnValue to missing value
tell application "System Events"
repeat with i from 1 to count of XML elements of xmldata
if returnValue is not missing value then exit repeat
set e_name to (get name of XML element i of xmldata) as Unicode text
if e_name is equal to e then
set returnValue to value of XML element i of xmldata
exit repeat
set returnValue to my getxml(XML element i of xmldata, e)
end if
end repeat
end tell
return returnValue
end getxml
Another way to parse XML is via an XSL stylesheet. It seems to me that this might be faster, if the xml file is large. There is a built-in processor in OS X. This is an example AppleScript file I wrote for myself.
set xml_file to quoted form of POSIX path of (choose file with prompt "XML File")
set xsl_file to quoted form of POSIX path of (choose file with prompt "XSL File")
-- return results here
do shell script "xsltproc " & xsl_file & " " & xml_file
-- write xml file with results
-- set out_file to "~/Desktop/Result.xml"
-- do shell script "xsltproc -o " & out_file & " " & xsl_file & " " & xml_file
This is what the XSL file would look like, to get the line1 value(s). Most of this would be the same for any xsl, so it can be a snippet (or clipping).
No Problem. You should give Fenton’s method a try. I’ve never used that either but he did give you the exact command you need and the xsl file you need too. It looks like you just need to try it.
It is possible to target an element using only its name, by using the “//” syntax.
<xsl:value-of select=“//line1” />
But I would think this would be a bit slower, and could return the wrong data if the element was used more than once (like in Apple’s plist files).
What is more accurate is to include as much of the path as you can, before using “//”. The most common situation where you need this is if an element may sometimes be at one level OR one level down from there.
The trouble with mixing AppleScript and XML/XSL is that it’s more difficult to return multiple values AND assign them to AppleScript variables.
It is however possible to return the data in many different ways. I use this method to Import XML directly into FileMaker databases, which can see XML like any other data source, after you transform it to FileMaker syntax XML.
It is also possible to transform the data returned into whatever text you’d like, such as tab separated data.