So I am looking for away to automate some of the Quality Control are company is doing on DVDs. One thing I would like to do is at specific moments in the movie I want to snap a image of the current frame then menu out and snap an image of the menu that is called. I then want to compile a spreadsheet with the image of the movie and the image of the corresponding menu side by side.
The problem I am having is getting images from the clipboard pasted into cells in an Excel Spreadsheet.
Anyone have any suggestions or better ideas?
here is the script I have so far that snaps an image of the video and then the menu. I need to insert the paste command in between image captures:
set theDVD to choose folder with prompt “Where is the VIDEO_TS Folder?”
tell application “DVD Player”
open VIDEO_TS theDVD
repeat --determine when the main feature is playing
set titleNumber to title
if titleNumber = 1 then exit repeat
end repeat
set elapsedTime to elapsed extended time
set i to 0
set (item 2 of elapsedTime) to (item 2 of elapsedTime) + 15
set elapsed extended time to elapsedTime
do shell script "screencapture -w ~/Desktop/tellxqc/title_" & elapsedTime & ".png"
go to main menu
delay 3
do shell script "screencapture -w ~/Desktop/tellxqc/rtim_" & elapsedTime & ".png"
press enter key
delay 2
if (item 2 of elapsedTime) = 100 then exit repeat
end repeat