"path to" not working for me

I’m trying to get the path to a file and am having problems. I’ve tried several syntax variations and nothing is working for me. On reading the dictionary for Standard Additions, it says that “path to” is valid for folders and apps. How do I get the path of ANY file?

first I get a list of the items on the disk:

tell application "Finder"
	set aDisk to choose folder with prompt "Select the disk to add to database."
	set myList to (every item of aDisk)
	set aFile to choose file with prompt "Where is the Appleworks disk file?"
end tell

Then I process the list in a handler:

repeat with myItem in theList
		if kind of myItem is "folder" then
		--announce processing of the folder
				say "Processing folder " & (displayed name of myItem)
			end try
			--tunnel down to next folder level
			set newList to (every item of myItem)
			my addData(newList, theDisk, theFile)
			--Get the file info
			tell application "Finder"
				copy displayed name of myItem to myfile
				copy physical size of myItem to mySize
			        copy displayed name of disk theDisk to myDisk
                                --The next line tries to get the path, but doesn't work
				copy (path to (container of myItem)) to myPath
				copy modification date of myItem to modDate
				copy (current date) to catDate
				copy description of myItem to myType
			end tell

...snipped to end of IF and REPEAT statements

The script editor keeps telling me that it can’t make (something, depends on the syntax I’ve tried) into an item. If it’s an item in a list of items, why can’t it be made into an item? :confused:

Model: iMac DV+
AppleScript: 1.9.1
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060214 Camino/1.0
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.2.x)

Huh? If you have an appropriate object then you already have that.

Perhaps you need to clarify what you mean by “path”.

“container” is a property of a Finder item that returns a Finder-style object. If you need this as an alias, then just coerce it:

(container of myItem) as alias

well, I tried “path to myItem” and it doesn’t work in this context for some reason. I’m looking for the string path along the lines of “Macintosh HD:Users:Nitewing:Documents:My File.txt” so that I can enter that information into an appleworks database field.

When I try to use the ((path to (container of myItem)) syntax, the error message reads:
Finder got an error: Can’t make container of document file “Apple Desktop Pack.sit” of disk “Wilma” into a item.

I tried using the “container” syntax because when I tried “path to myItem”, I got this error:
Finder got an error: Can’t make document file “Apple Desktop Pack.sit” of disk “Wilma” into a item.

You never stated what kind of items are in “theList”.

Again, you should just need to coerce it:

-- Use whichever is appropriate
(container of result) as string
(container of result) as Unicode text


You don’t need to use “path to” at all. (See my first statement in my previous post.)

The list is derived from this:

Edit: [See first script in nitewing98’s original post]

I still don’t see exactly how a list [myList] and an alias [aFile] are used in a repeat that loops thru another list [myList].

I’m just trying to determine if something needs to be in a tell block, or if [myItem] is a string, etc., etc.

Ok, I was trying to not clutter things with lots of code, but I see that the context I’m using is relevant, so here is the whole script:

(* main script *)

tell application "Finder"
	set aDisk to choose folder with prompt "Select the disk to add to database."
	set myList to (every item of aDisk)
	set aFile to choose file with prompt "Where is the Appleworks disk file?"
end tell

tell application "AppleWorks 6"
end tell
my addData(myList, aDisk, aFile)
	say "Done Processing disk " & displayed name of aDisk
end try
display dialog "Done Processing disk " & displayed name of aDisk

(* handlers *)

on addData(theList, theDisk, theFile)
	-- recursive handler to tunnel into folders
	repeat with myItem in theList
		if kind of myItem is "folder" then
			--announce processing of the folder
				say "Processing folder " & (displayed name of myItem)
			end try
			--tunnel down to next folder level
			set newList to (every item of myItem)
			my addData(newList, theDisk, theFile)
			--Get the file info
			tell application "Finder"
				copy displayed name of myItem to myfile
				copy physical size of myItem to mySize
				copy displayed name of disk theDisk to myDisk
				copy (path to (folder of myItem)) as string to myPath
				copy modification date of myItem to modDate
				copy (current date) to catDate
				copy description of myItem to myType
			end tell
			--Open the AW db and begin data transfer
			tell application "AppleWorks 6"
				open theFile
				copy the name of the front document to docName
				-- transfer the record
				make new record at end of document docName
				set value of field "Name" of last record of document docName to myfile
				set value of field "Size" of last record of document docName to mySize
				set value of field "Disk" of last record of document docName to myDisk
				set value of field "Path" of last record of document docName to myPath
				set value of field "Mod Date" of last record of document docName to modDate
				set value of field "Cat Date" of last record of document docName to catDate
				set value of field "Type" of last record of document docName to myType
			end tell
		end if
	end repeat
end addData

The script worked fine until I added the “path to” line, now it give me errors because it says (idiotically enough) that it cannot make “document blah of folder foo into an item”. By definition, aren’t ALL folders and files items?

Speaking of paths.

I think part of your problem is how you’re defining your problem. :slight_smile:

You already have a path. What you want is the directory part of it (or the path’s parent object, etc., etc. You can call it quite a few things, but you shouldn’t call it “path”).

Ignore the error message, I think “path to” is just confused.

Take a look at the “path to” commands in StandardAdditions’ dictionary. the keywords listed there are the only things that the “path to” commands will accept.

The thought is very much appreciated, but in this case it may be helpful to have more. :slight_smile:

I was writing a long reply saying I didn’t understand how I “already had” a path, then I tried something so simple I didn’t think it would work:

copy myItem as string to myPath

and it worked. Not sure why I was over-complicating it.

Thanks for all the discussion, it got me on the right track! :smiley:

You’re welcome! I’ll leave you with something else to think about.

tell application "Finder"
	set theDisk to choose folder with prompt "Select the disk to add to database."
	set theDiskName to displayed name of result
	set awFile to choose file with prompt "Where is the Appleworks file?" without invisibles
	set fileList to {displayed name, physical size, it, modification date, description} of (files of entire contents of theDisk)
end tell

tell application "AppleWorks 6"
	open awFile
	set awName to name of front document
	count (first item of fileList)
	repeat with i from 1 to result
		tell document awName
			make new record at end
			tell last record
				set value of field "Name" to (item i of (item 1 of fileList))
				set value of field "Size" to (item i of (item 2 of fileList))
				set value of field "Disk" to theDiskName
				set value of field "Path" to (item i of (item 3 of fileList)) as string
				set value of field "Mod Date" to (item i of (item 4 of fileList)) as string
				set value of field "Cat Date" to (current date) as string
				set value of field "Type" to (item i of (item 5 of fileList))
			end tell
		end tell
	end repeat
		say "Done Processing disk " & theDiskName
	end try
	display dialog "Done Processing disk " & theDiskName
end tell

Note that Finder’s “entire contents” property can be quite slow on very large disks/folders.

Yes, that’s one of the reasons I didn’t use it.

I did like the “without invisibles” addition, I didn’t realize you could do that. I’m a bit curious about Finder’s file type property for items. All I get for file type for files is “msng” (which I think is tongue-in-cheek for ‘Microsoft’s no good’). Didn’t files used to get typed with a more descriptive four-letter code? I know OS X added “.” extensions to the end of file names, but are the old file types (TEXT, HTML, etc.) gone?

No, but quite similar: “missing value”.

Apple still provides the mechanism for developers to use file types, but this is near to “left to developer’s decission”. Some will use them, someone won’t. And sometimes, it won’t be relevant if you use them or not, as the user can still define thru LauncServices who will open a given file-extension, disregarding the file type/creator.

That’s really too bad. One of the (IMHO) defining elements of the Mac from a programming standpoint was having that information available, especially from AppleScript. Heck, I made quite a living out of doing conversions for a newspaper that used both Mac and Winders machines. I much preferred working with the Mac files, as they gave me creator and file types so that I could decide which Winders type I should give it. Going the other way often left me wondering which program was best suited to the given file (in the context of what the user I was doing it for had available, program-wise).

It would be nice if Apple brought all this scattered info (some in old four letter types, some in file extensions, some in launch services) together so that a programmer could have an interface that would return something. There would have to be a publicly stated heirarchy as to which type would have precedence in given contexts, but it sure would be handy.

I thought that might be the case.

on open thisItem
	set thePath to thisItem as string
end open

The thePath variable store the path of the dragged item.

You must save this script as application and drag the item (file or folder) over it.
If you drag more than one item, you can try:

on open theseItems
	set thePaths to {}
	repeat with i from 1 to (count of items of theseItems)
		set end of thePaths to item i of theseItems
	end repeat
end open

The thePaths list stores the paths of the dragged items

Hi everybody,

I don’t understand this. Applications like Tex-Edit Plus can make text files with extension “txt” open in it, but txt files are set to open with TextEdit. In a document based AppleScript Studio app, I can’t get a file with extension txt to open in the app with just a creator type for the app. How does Tex-Edit Plus do it?


When you say “are set to open with TextEdit”, what do you mean exactly?

By default, at least in my machine, .txt files without type/creator info are mapped by default to TextEdit. If you have a .txt with creator TBB6 (Tex-Edit Plus), they will open with TE+. If MSWD (or whatever is the creator for Word), they will open in Word. And so on…

This works so till I get-info for whatever .txt file, and I use the open-with disclosure button, choose TextEdit, then click the button change-all. From this point, any .txt file will be open by TextEdit, disregarding the creator info… This behaviour is recorded in the com.apple.LaunchServices.plist file as follow (OS 10.4.6):

To revert the behaviour, I think, you must delete this entry using something as Property List Editor, then logout-login or perhaps restart.

In your studio app, did you define “CFBundleDocumentTypes” for .txt extensions in your Info.plist file?