I’m wondering did scripting for Photos change in Catalina? It is not finding nested folders. My partial layout for Photos is
My Albums
Photo Streams
If I do
tell application "Photos"
set folderName to "2020"
set theseFolders to every folder whose name is folderName
set folderCount to the count of theseFolders
end tell
I get a count of 0. If I add a 2020 folder to the root of My Album, and search I get a count of 1. If I renamed the nested folder (grasping at straws, maybe Photos has problem of names only number in it) to “The year 2020” and searching for that returns a count of 0.
I thought every folder was suppose to find nested folders in Photos.
Thanks for whatever feedback.
With Kindest Regards,
Stephen Magladry
No, it doesn’t find, because Photos.app doesn’t provide command entire contents like the Finder.
A wrote here the script to solve this problem:
property theFolders : {} -- for all folders list of nested structure
-- first, get all folders list using recursive handler
tell application "Photos"
repeat with aFolder in (get folders)
my getFolders(aFolder)
end repeat
end tell
-- now, find the folder whose name is "2020"
repeat with aFolder in theFolders
if name of aFolder is "2020" then return aFolder
end repeat
-- recursive handler to get all folders list of nested structure
on getFolders(aFolder)
tell application "Photos"
set end of theFolders to contents of aFolder
set subFolders to folders of aFolder
if not (subFolders is {}) then
repeat with subFolder in subFolders
my getFolders(subFolder)
end repeat
end if
end tell
end getFolders