I am trying to find the average color of gray in a grayscale photo using applescript. Also, it would be nice to find the darkest and lightest values as well. Let me know if anyone has any ideas.
I am trying to find the average color of gray in a grayscale photo using applescript. Also, it would be nice to find the darkest and lightest values as well. Let me know if anyone has any ideas.
How’s this?
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS"
tell current document
if mode is grayscale then
set a_grayscale to true
tell channel 1
set gry_hist to histogram
end tell
set a_grayscale to false
end if
end tell
end tell
if a_grayscale then
set sigma_percent to 0
set sigma_pixels to 0
set perct_hist to {}
set high_value to 100
set low_value to 0
repeat with hist_idx from 1 to 256
set perct_value to 100 - (round (hist_idx * 100 / 256)) --Convert histogram value to percentage
set sigma_percent to sigma_percent + (perct_value * (contents of item hist_idx of gry_hist)) -- Sum percentages
set sigma_pixels to sigma_pixels + (contents of item hist_idx of gry_hist) -- Sum pixel count
if high_value = 100 and (contents of item hist_idx of gry_hist) ≠0 then set high_value to perct_value
if (contents of item hist_idx of gry_hist) ≠0 then set low_value to perct_value
end repeat
set avg_px_value to round (sigma_percent / sigma_pixels)
display dialog "Average pixel value : " & avg_px_value & return & "Darkest pixel : " & high_value & return & "Lightest pixel : " & low_value
end if
Works great, thanks!
I’m glad I could help. I think that may have been the only success I had that day. However, I want to point out that when I was originally writing the script, I began by converting the entire histogram to percent values. Half-way through the script, I decided it was un-necessary but I failed to remove the one line:
set perct_hist to {}
There is no reason for it to be there now. Sorry if it confused anyone.