This may not be possible at all, at least I can’t get it right. Here’s the deal: I have a bunch of these ebooks that I couldn’t view because they were in .chm format. Anyway I found this tool, “Tubby”, which will expand the pages of the .chm file into separate HTML docs and place them in order in a folder. Very nice. Only problem is it’s rather annoying opening one in Safari or TextEdit, reading it, then closing it and finding and opening the next. Kinda lame. So, what I’d love to do is make a script that will take all the HTML docs in order and create me a single .PDF from them. I’m trying to write the script around TextEdit but I can’t pin it down. The HTML docs are simply numbered “000” to say, “315”. and any corresponding images sit in folders named say “099_files”. This would be the images for page 99, or 099.html, etc. So anyone got any ideas? I’m sure they’re better than mine.
If you have Acrobat, you could just create an index.html file with links to each ebook file. Then from within Acrobat, you can open the HTML file as a URL and it will create a fully hyperlinked PDF from all of the files.
thanks, that just might work. now i’m not really concerned with using hyperlinks within the ebook, actually the only ones are really in the tables of contents. my concern is that some of these ebooks are up to 900 pages long, i don’t think i wanna create hyperlinks for every single page by hand clicking. hmmm, maybe i can automate this ahhh, AppleScript…
You could automate Acrobat to open each file in the folder and save it as a PDF. After resaving each file as a PDF you could then automate Acrobat to compile all the individual files into a single file.
If you need help with this I can send you a script I wrote a while back that compiles multiple PDFs.
Well, there you go. Since jonn8 has his ready to go I’d use that. I would have to find my version and then make sure it works properly. I haven’t used it in over a year so I can’t remember what state it was in.