I wrote this script to move chosen folders into a collecting folder and then zip that by changing to extension on the folder. Is there a neater way to accomplish the same thing?
set theName to text returned of (display dialog "Enter a name for the new folder to be created, loaded and zipped on the desktop" default answer "ZipFldr" buttons {"Cancel", "Enter"} default button "Enter" with title "Zip Folders")
-- Make a new folder and get the path to it
tell application "Finder" to make folder at desktop with properties {name:theName}
set FldrPath to ((path to desktop) as string) & theName
-- Gather the folders
-- Zip 'em
tell application "Finder" to set name of (FldrPath as alias) to name of (FldrPath as alias) & ".zip"
-- Folder mover
to MoveFolders(newFolder)
set destination to (path to desktop as string) & newFolder
set More to true
repeat while More is true
set aFolder to (choose folder with prompt string "Choose a folder to be moved and zipped")
tell application "Finder" to move aFolder to destination
display dialog "Do you want to continue?" buttons {"That's All", "Get More Folders"} default button "Get More Folders"
if button returned of result is "That's All" then set More to false
end repeat
end MoveFolders