playlist in folder playlist

How to get name of playlists contained in folder playlist in iTunes? I am only able to get tracks.

Hi chris2, Try this…

property buildlist : {}
property thebadlists : {"Library", "Purchased Music"}
global theList
on run
	set buildlist to {}
	getplaylists() of me
	setupchoices() of me
	choosetheplaylist() of me
end run
on getplaylists()
	tell application "iTunes"
		set theList to (name of every playlist)
	end tell
end getplaylists
on setupchoices()
	repeat with everyitem in theList
		set thisplaylist to (everyitem as string)
		if (thisplaylist) is not in (thebadlists) then
			copy (thisplaylist as string) to end of buildlist
		end if
	end repeat
end setupchoices
on choosetheplaylist()
	choose from list buildlist with prompt "Select what want to listen to..."
	set chosenlist to result as string
	if chosenlist is not equal to "false" then
		playthisone(chosenlist) of me
	end if
end choosetheplaylist
on playthisone(letsgo)
	tell application "iTunes"
		play track 1 of playlist letsgo
	end tell
	tell application "iTunes"
		delay 0.5
		tell application "System Events" to set visible of process "iTunes" to false
	end tell
end playthisone



the folder user playlists contains playlists and folder playlists.
The property parent specifies the parent folder.
As the whose filter doesn’t work, you must retrieve the names with a repeat loop

set theNames to {}
tell application "iTunes"
	repeat with aPlaylist in (get every user playlist)
			set p to parent of aPlaylist
			if name of p is "testFolderPlaylist" then
				set end of theNames to name of aPlaylist
			end if
		end try
	end repeat
end tell

Thanks Tom and StefanK.

iTunes is so scriptable that I am surprised there is no direct way to get names of playlist contained in a folder playlist.
The problem with the script posted by StefanK is that if I want to find playlists contained in one folder playlist, parents of all the playlists have to be called. It slows me down in what I was trying to achieve.