I have constructed a loop similar to the one below. This is supposed to look in a folder for specifically named files but it is not working and goes into the error trap each loop. Seems something is wrong with my command “set otherFilePath to (path of otherFile)” that means even if the file is present, AS still doesn’t pick it up.
property hFolder : "Macintosh HD:Users:xyz:abc:efg:"
tell application "Finder"
set newFileList to (every file of folder hFolder)
repeat with m from 1 to number of items in newFileList
set otherFile to hFolder & m & ".NEF" -- This constructs the file name
set otherFilePath to (path of otherFile) -- This is supposed to check if the file is in hFolder
-- Do Some Actions if file is in hFolder
on error
-- Do Some Actions if file is not in hFolder
end try
end repeat
end tell
Many Thanks.
Model: IMac G5 (Gen 1)
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)
property hFolder : "Macintosh HD:Users:xyz:abc:efg:"
set newFileList to list folder hFolder without invisibles
repeat with m from 1 to number of items in newFileList
if m & ".NEF" is in newFileList then
-- Do Some Actions if file is in hFolder
-- Do Some Actions if file is not in hFolder
end if
end repeat
I am getting errors but I know this is because of how I simplified the original script I posted
With your suggestion, what I have is essentially…
property tFolder : "Macintosh HD:Users:xyz:abc:" -- can't change this as it is used by other parts of script
set hFolder to (make new folder at tFolder with properties {name:"efg"}) -- can't change this as well for same reasons
-- Now need to get the files. Tx
set newFileList to list folder hFolder without invisibles
repeat with m from 1 to number of items in newFileList
if m & ".NEF" is in newFileList then
-- Do Some Actions if file is in hFolder
-- Do Some Actions if file is not in hFolder
end if
end repeat
Don’t know why but this line “set newFileList to list folder hFolder without invisibles” returns an error saying ‘Can’t make folder “efg” of folder “abc” of folder “xyz” of folder “Users” of startup disk into file type’.
Perhaps I need to take a break for a while and come back to it later.
It’ s quite difficult to give further help, when the script you’ve posted is not the same as your script you are working with.
list folder works with a string path like in the property hFolder, but not with a Finder file specifier.
You have to coerce the file specifier to a string path or to an alias.
PS: If you want to make a new folder, you have to wrap the make new folder line in a Finder tell block
As a newbie, my script is, shall we say, rather inefficient and long so I tried to construct a simplified version of the relevant part.
In any case, I have solved the issue.
Here is the whole long script
It takes files from my cardreader when connected (using image capture) into a new folders in a specified directory and renames them according to my new numbering system which is enough to give me 45m short unique file names which should last me a lifetime.
It works so I am happy to have been able to put it together after about 4 days experience with AS.
I know it could be tightened up
property defaultFolder : "Macintosh HD:Users:Dayo:Pictures:MyImages:"
property nameString : "ZZ99ZZ"
property oldNameString : "ZZ99ZZ"
property lowerStr : "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
property theNums : "0123456789"
property rawExt : "NEF" -- TODO: Make into list of raw file extentions for flexibility
display dialog "Ingest Files to Image Library?" buttons {"No", "Yes"} default button 2 -- Ask whether to import
if the button returned of the result is "Yes" then
try -- begin authentication so that other users don't mess with files
do shell script "echo ''" with administrator privileges
on error
end try -- end authentication
set defaultFolder to "Macintosh HD:Users:Dayo:Pictures:MyImages:" as alias -- begin get upload folder
set homeFolder to choose folder with prompt "Select file" default location defaultFolder
set homeFolder to homeFolder as string -- end get upload folder
set FlashDisk to GetFlashDisk() -- begin load Flashdisk
tell application "Finder"
set cardFolder to folders of FlashDisk as alias
set folderList to (every folder of folder cardFolder) -- end load Flashdisk
set {year:y, month:m, day:d} to (current date) -- begin set default folder name for this day
set theDate to (y * 10000 + m * 100 + d) as string
set myCover to "000" as string
repeat with x from 1 to 999
set temp_name to theDate & "_" & myCover as string
set test_path to homeFolder & temp_name & ":" -- end set default folder name for this day
set test_result to my file_exists(test_path) -- begin check if folder exists. if exists, increment suffix
if test_result is true then
set counter to x as string
if x < 10 then
set myCover to "00" & counter
if x < 100 then
set myCover to "0" & counter
end if
end if
exit repeat
end if -- end check if folder exists. if exists, increment suffix
end repeat
set targetFolder to (make new folder at folder homeFolder with properties {name:temp_name}) -- begin moving files
repeat with i from 1 to number of items in folderList
set this_item to item i of folderList as string
set fileList to (every file of folder this_item)
repeat with j from 1 to number of items in fileList
set this_file to item j of fileList
move this_file to targetFolder
end repeat
end repeat -- end moving files
set myNewFileList to (files of targetFolder as alias list) -- begin prep for rename
set tFolder to targetFolder as alias
set newfolderList to (every folder of folder homeFolder whose name contains temp_name)
repeat with k from 1 to number of items in newfolderList
set new_this_item to item k of newfolderList as string
set newFileList to (every file of folder new_this_item)
repeat with m from 1 to number of items in newFileList
set newFile to item m of newFileList as string
set {name:file_Nm, name extension:file_Ex} to info for file newFile
set upperfile_Ex to my makeUpper(file_Ex) -- end prep for rename
set newFileName to my rename_me() -- begin rename files
set name of file newFile to newFileName & "00XX." & upperfile_Ex -- end rename files
set onlyFileName to text 1 thru ((count file_Nm) - (count file_Ex) - 1) of file_Nm -- begin handle raw + jpeg
set oFile to tFolder & onlyFileName & "." & rawExt as string
set otherFile to oFile as alias
set nameString to oldNameString -- resets nameString so that Raw files are named the same as jpegs
on error
-- Do nothing with nameString so that it can be incremented to rename next jpeg
end try -- end handle raw + jpeg
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
--- TODO: Add to IView Catalog
end if
on rename_me()
set mainList to every character of upperStr as list
set numList to every character of theNums as list
set tempList to every character of nameString as list
set ItemA to item 1 of tempList
set ItemB to item 2 of tempList
set ItemC to item 3 of tempList
set ItemD to item 4 of tempList
set ItemE to item 5 of tempList
set ItemF to item 6 of tempList
set posA to my get_loc(ItemA, upperStr)
set posB to my get_loc(ItemB, upperStr)
set posC to my get_loc(ItemC, theNums)
set posD to my get_loc(ItemD, theNums)
set posE to my get_loc(ItemE, upperStr)
set posF to my get_loc(ItemF, upperStr)
if posF = 26 then
set posF to 1
if posE = 26 then
set posE to 1
if posD = 10 then
set posD to 1
if posC = 10 then
set posC to 1
if posB = 26 then
set posB to 1
if posA = 26 then
set posA to 1
set posA to posA + 1
end if
set posB to posB + 1
end if
set posC to posC + 1
end if
set posD to posD + 1
end if
set posE to posE + 1
end if
set posF to posF + 1
end if
set myA to item posA of mainList
set myB to item posB of mainList
set myC to item posC of numList
set myD to item posD of numList
set myE to item posE of mainList
set myF to item posF of mainList
set oldNameString to nameString
set nameString to (myA & myB & myC & myD & myE & myF) as string
return nameString
end rename_me
on get_loc(searchitem, searchString)
considering case
return offset of searchitem in searchString
end considering
end get_loc
on file_exists(file_path)
get file_path as alias
return true
on error
return false
end try
end file_exists
on makeUpper(subjectString)
set outputString to characters of subjectString
repeat with myChars in outputString
if myChars is in lowerStr then set contents of myChars to character (offset of myChars in lowerStr) of upperStr
end repeat
return outputString as string
end makeUpper
on GetFlashDisk()
tell application "Finder"
set DiskList to disks
repeat with TheDisk in DiskList
set FormatDisk to format of TheDisk as string
if (FormatDisk begins with "MS-DOS" or FormatDisk contains "dfms") then
return TheDisk as alias
end if
end repeat
end tell
end GetFlashDisk