Please help the newbie?

I am a trying to move a layer down in a stack of layers in PS 7, but the move command is eluding me.

tell application "Adobe Photoshop 7.0"
	--open specific document.
	set theFile to alias "Brian:Users:brian:Desktop:ALLavendarDayDreamNightDres.tif"
	open theFile
	-- Create layer and fill with white then move down one layer
	make new art layer at beginning of current document ¬
		with properties {name:"new layer", blend mode:normal}
	select all current document
	fill selection of current document with contents ¬
		{class:RGB color, red:255, green:255, blue:255}
	deselect current document
	move layer "new layer" of current document to art layer previous
end tell

The error reads:’ Adobe Photoshop 7.0 got an error: Can’t get layer “new layer” of current document.’

I guess I do not understand what the move command wants to reference before and after the to.

Any insight into solving this would be greatly appreciated.

This test works well for me. Does this syntax clarify anything for you?
(Obviously, the layer names are just hypothetical for my tests.)

tell application "Adobe Photoshop 7.0"
	tell current document
		move layer "gold_layer" to before art layer "silver_layer"
	end tell
end tell

Your problem may have been the fact that you ‘deselected’ the ‘current document’, which may have then cause you not to have a current document. But that’s just wild theoretical speculation. I haven’t tested that. But I’d try commenting out the ‘deselect current document’ line and see what happens.