plist creator

I was working on applescripts for our lab environment that necessitated creating and reading from a plist file in the user’s preferences folder. The script below will create a plist file with default values and if the plist exists verify that the domain key pair necessary for the applescript is present, if not it will create the domain key with a default value.

set prefFolderPath to path to preferences folder as text
set prefFileName to "edu.domain.application.plist"
set prefFilePath to prefFolderPath & prefFileName

--verify that edu.domain.application.plist exists
		get prefFilePath as alias
		set plistExist to "true"
	on error
		set plistExist to "false"
	end try
	--if plist does not exist create it
	if plistExist is "false" then
		--create domain key pair with default value
		do shell script "defaults write edu.domain.application someKey someValue"
		--if plist does exist, verify key to read exists
		if plistExist is "true" then
				do shell script "defaults read edu.domain.application someKey"
			on error
				--if domain key pair does not exist, create with default value
				do shell script "defaults write edu.domain.application someKey somevalue"
			end try
			exit repeat
		end if
	end if
end repeat