I have made a checker to see if a file exists based on defined path and file from variables.
I have tried POSIX path and POSIX file but it still says the file does not exist…
can anybody help?
I have made a checker to see if a file exists based on defined path and file from variables.
I have tried POSIX path and POSIX file but it still says the file does not exist…
can anybody help?
I guess you have to tell the Finder or System Events to perform the check
It would be interesting to see your code.
here is the code for it
set parentFolder to getParentFolder(path to me)
set ProductCode to "EF-LG-P"
set labelFile to "nomesh.laba"
if ProductCode contains "EF" then
set path1 to "EF"
else if ProductCode contains "JF" then
set path1 to "JF"
else if ProductCode contains "CF" then
set path1 to "CF"
else if ProductCode contains "UF" then
set path1 to "UF"
end if
if ProductCode contains "LG" then
set path2 to "LG"
else if ProductCode contains "MD" then
set path2 to "MD"
else if ProductCode contains "ST" then
set path2 to "ST"
else if ProductCode contains "SM" then
set path2 to "SM"
end if
if ProductCode contains "P" then
set path3 to "P"
else if ProductCode contains "E" then
set path3 to "E"
end if
set labelPath to path2 & ":" & path1 & ":" & path3 & ":"
set filePath to parentFolder & "labels" & ":" & labelPath & ":" & labelFile
tell application "Finder"
if exists file filePath then
open file filePath as string
display dialog "The file '" & filePath & "' does not exist"
end if
end tell
on getParentFolder(_alias)
local parentFolder
set {oldTIDS, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, ":"}
set _alias to _alias as text
if _alias ends with ".app:" then
set parentFolder to ((text items 1 thru -3 of _alias) as text) & ":"
set parentFolder to ((text items 1 thru -2 of _alias) as text) & ":"
end if
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldTIDS
return parentFolder
end getParentFolder
What’s wrong with
tell application "System Events" to set parentFolder to path of container of (path to me)
I had someone work with me on it and I have been updating it and that is how they set the parent folder, I think that is because they compiled it into an app and the resources are all stored outside of the app but with in the containing folder
container in System Events refers always to the parent folder regardless of the kind of the calling object
Maybe not in this situation but it has some limitations:
Ah now I understand why it was put in but now that I put that in instead of the handler it seems to work so I am not sure as to why it is doing it…