POSIX path to HFS path

I need to convert a list containing POSIX paths into a list of HFS paths. Is there an Applescript command to do this?

I know there is a command to go the other way. And the “POSIX path of” command seems to leave off the device name (i.e., “Macintosh HD”), simply doing a search-and-replace of : for / or vice-versa, as needed. But I need the whole path.

Is there such a command?

Thank you,


set x to (path to desktop folder) as string

set posixPath to POSIX path of x

set ascriptPath to POSIX file posixPath

Thank you, Chris!

Pass the POSIX path string to a ‘POSIX file’ specifier to get a file URL value, then coerce that to Unicode text:

set lst to {"/", "/usr/bin", "/Applications/TextEdit.app"}
repeat with pathRef in lst
	set pathRef's contents to (POSIX file pathRef) as Unicode text
end repeat
lst --> {"Mac HD:", "Mac HD:usr:bin", "Mac HD:Applications:TextEdit.app"}

If you want a list of file URL values, delete the ‘as Unicode text’. If you want a list of alias values (assuming all paths exist), replace it with ‘as alias’.

‘POSIX path’ is a property of AppleScript’s alias, file URL and file specification types that returns the equivalent POSIX path . It also kinda works on strings, though it shouldn’t really and is liable to produce garbage for those (it certainly won’t turn a POSIX path string into anything good, as you’ve found).

Ah, that makes sense now. Thank you (and thank you for the great conversion routine)!


Your script works just fine in AppleScript, but when I try to use it in an XCode droplet, it just fails, giving me error -1700 (and when I’m trying to modify something it goes to -1728)…

Is there a way to solve that?

	on application_openFiles_(sender, fileList)
		-- Droplet Function (drag any file or folders on the Application's Icon to launch it
		repeat with i from 1 to (the count (fileList as list))
				set item i of fileList to (POSIX file (item i of fileList)) as alias
			on error number errnum
				display dialog errnum -- RETURNS -1700 error
			end try
		end repeat

Looking inside the Forums I found the answer, thanks to Shane…


Now the code is working properly.

	on application_openFiles_(sender, fileList)
		repeat with i from 1 to (the count (fileList as list))
				set item i of fileList to (((item i of fileList as text) as POSIX file) as alias)

			on error number errnum
				display dialog errnum
			end try
		end repeat
end application_openFiles_