To print slide 1 of a powerpoint presentation in a file, I use
tell application "Microsoft powerpoint"
print out active presentation from 1 to 1 print to file "" without showdialog
end tell
Unfortunately, the script results in printing in a file, which name is the name of the last file I printed to file manually (without applescript), but certainly not “”.
Is it a bug int the “print to file” option or am I doing something wrong ?
Have you tried to use an absolute file path instead of just a file name? I don’t know if that solves your problem, but maybe MS PowerPoint doesn’t know where exactly to save the file when you only pass a file name.
set filepath to ((path to desktop) as Unicode text) & ""
tell application "Microsoft powerpoint"
print out active presentation from 1 to 1 print to file filepath without showdialog
end tell