Print style

How do you do a file page setup and choose a print syle and print in Quark 5 with an applescript

tell application “QuarkXPress™”
– Do a file page setup and choose a print style –
Print document 1
close document 1 saving no
end tell

Quark uses “print setup” instead of “page setup”. Go figure.

tell app "QuarkXPress"
   tell print setup
      set orientation to landscape
      set paper size to "Letter"
      set halftone screen to 85
   end tell
end tell

I don’t think that you can select a print style, at least I don’t see how. You’ll have to set each property where it would differ from the default.

When I add the print description an error pops up that The variable Description is not defined.
This is the problem I am printing multiple quark doc. Some of the doc have been saved with a different printer description so it using the Generic PPD. Looking for a way I can change that to a printer description that is on my machine. Because when I run the script I get a dialog message
Tektronix Phaser Printer Description file is not currently installed. A Generic PPD will be used instead.
Is there any way I can error trap those docs and use a different print description.

tell application "QuarkXPress™"
	tell print setup
		set print Description to "HP LaserJet"
		set paper size to "Letter"
		set page positioning to "Center"
	end tell
end tell

Try “printer type”. If you look at the dictionary for Quark 5 you’ll see the properties of print setup.

Class print setup record: Printer settings
	absolute overlap boolean  -- If true, the document will not be centered in the finished output
	auto tile overlap horizontal measurement  -- how much to overlap tiles when auto tiling is on
	back to front boolean  -- print pages in reverse order
	bleed vertical measurement  -- bleed value
	collate boolean  -- collate output pages
	data format ASCII data/binary data/clean data  -- the image data format when printing to PostScript printers
	fit in area boolean  -- fit printed output in paper area
	flip horizontal boolean  -- flip output horizontally
	flip vertical boolean  -- flip output vertically
	full res rotated objects boolean  -- If TRUE, rotated objects will be rendered in high resolution when printed to NonPostScript devices
	halftone screen fixed  -- number of lines per inch at which to halftone pictures
	include blank pages boolean  -- include blank pages in printed output
	invert image boolean  -- invert print image
	orientation portrait/landscape  -- paper orientation
	page gap vertical measurement  -- vertical gap between printed pages
	page position left position/center position/center horizontal/center vertical  -- position of page on media
	page sequence all pages/odd pages/even pages  -- output page sequence
	paper offset vertical measurement  -- offset from left edge of paper at which to begin printing
	paper size string  -- selected paper size
	paper size list list of string  [r/o]  -- list of available paper sizes
	paper width horizontal measurement  -- the width of the paper in the printer
	paper height vertical measurement  -- the height of the paper in the printer
	print colors black and white/grayscale/composite CMYK/composite RGB  -- method to use for printing colors
	print quality normal/low resolution/rough  -- print quality
	print spreads boolean  -- whether to print as spreads
	print thumbnails boolean  -- whether to print as thumbnails
	printer type string  -- selected printer type
	printer type list list of string  [r/o]  -- list of available printer types
	reduce or enlarge percent  -- the print scale
	registration marks off/centered/off center  -- registration marks setting
	registration marks offset point units  -- registration marks offset
	resolution small integer  -- dots per inch at which to print
	separation boolean  -- whether separation is on
	tiling off/manual/automatic  -- tiling setting

Get a listing of the installed ppds as a result of the following:

tell application "QuarXPress"
get printer type list of print setup of document 1
end tell

Then use the printer type you need from that list in the following:

tell application "QuarkXPress"
if printer type of print setup of document 1 ? "Generic PPD" then
set printer type of print setup of document 1 to "Generic PPD"
end if
end tell

HTH -john

Thanks John that’s what I was trying to figure out. My script works great now