I am trying to help a friend set up a droplet that prints the files dropped on it in alphanumeric order. I already have the script set up and working. It renames the files in this manner… (filename_1 → filename_001, filename_2 → filename_002) then I have them sorted into the correct order and printed
I know they are being spit out in the right order because I threw a test dialog in the repeat routine that says what file is being printed before it actually prints …the PROBLEM is that after all the files appear into the print queue they revert to some stupid random order again??? I have also tried naming all the files like 001_filename, etc. to see if that would help …and it didn’t
the method I am using to send the files to the printer is as follows…
tell application “Printer Setup Utility”
open fileAlias
end tell
The files being printed are .ps files.
Is there any other way to print these PostScript files so they stay in order?