I need help. I’m trying to consume a web service. The sample is in the Apple site:
set myText to “My frst naem is John”
tell application “http://www.stuffeddog.com/speller/speller-rpc.cgi”
set returnValue to call xmlrpc {method name:“speller.spellCheck”,¬
parameters: {myText} }
end tell
But I am always getting a -916 error. What is it going on? I’m behind a web proxy but I can for example access Sherlock channels and Software Update without problems.
I suspect the problem is on firewall side, but I’m not sure. Please HELP ME!
I tried the script on OS X and didn’t get any errors. The web site didn’t return anything useful either - just “”. More info on why might be found here. I don’t know what your problem might be but I thought you might like to know that it is likely a local problem. Sorry I have nothing more helpful to offer.
Yes Rob, I think so. I have tried with different machines and got the same result.
I think I need to change something in proxy side but I am wondering why … the soap or xmlrpc request are sent through http, right? So if I can use my web browser then it’s supposed that I can do request with soap or xmlrpc, am I right?
Is there a port that I must to enable in my web proxy ?
I know little about ports or configuring firewalls but here’s a URL which might be useful. It’s a list of ports used by Apple software products. I hope it helps and good luck!
Maybe the problem is that port 111 (Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service according that list) is not opened in my web proxy. I did a port scan using the “Network Utility” in OS X.
I’m not sure if 111 is exactly the port number I need to make XMLRPC requests …