Problem displaying windows

This is my first AppleScript Studio app so please be gentle. :slight_smile:

part of my script checks to see what applications are running. If there are applications running that shouldn’t be then I want an error window to appear. If the check is OK I want a different window to appear. The problem I’ve got is BOTH windows appear no matter what. I tink I’m heading in the right direction but can some help??

Here’s my code:

on clicked theObject
	set goodProcs to {"Finder", "Disc Eraser"}
	tell application "System Events" to set theProcs to name of every process whose background only is false
	repeat with myProc in theProcs
		if myProc is not in goodProcs then
			-- Display Warning Window	
			show window "WARNING"
			show window "Erasing Disc"
		end if
	end repeat
end clicked

The problem is that you’re displaying the window inside the repeat loop, which will make the window pop up every time it evaluates myProcs. In fact, if you put a log statement into your original code right before you show each window, you’ll see that it’s actually ‘showing’ each window MANY times, not just once or twice. You need to evaluate the existence of the apps first, and then act only once accordingly.

If you only need to test for the two apps, then something as simple as this will work…

tell application "System Events" to set theProcs to name of every process whose background only is false

if (("Finder" is in theProcs) and ("Disc Eraser" is in theProcs)) then
	show window "Erasing Disc"
	show window "WARNING"
end if

Because you’ve used a list of apps, rather than hardcoding only the two, you may possibly be leaving some scalability in your code… but this also adds another element that you must account for. You’ll need to create a method of finding out if all of the apps were found. One way to handle this scenario is using a simple counter that increments every time an app is found and then comparing the count of the found apps to that of the original list.

set goodProcs to {"Finder", "Disc Eraser"}
set goodCount to (count goodProcs)

tell application "System Events" to set theProcs to name of every process whose background only is false

set foundCount to 0
repeat with myProc in theProcs
	if myProc is in goodProcs then
		set foundCount to (foundCount + 1)
	end if
end repeat

if foundCount = goodCount then
	show window "Erasing Disc"
	show window "WARNING"
end if



Thanks for the reply but I’m get some weird results.

If I run your scripts from Script Editor (Changing the “Show Window” to Display Dialog") I get the correct results.
But if I run I compile the scripts and run them from my Application the first window mentioned always opens no matter what.

Any ideas why??