I have used MAMP and then a script to autostart an AMP stack i.e. avoiding control panel/password entry. This has worked for several years but now fails to retrieve the user password. Tried a launch daemon but that fails.
“MAMP” - my password item > Passwords app > Sequoia 15.1
do shell script “/Applications/MAMP/bin/startMysql.sh > /dev/null 2>&1” - no problem
set theUserName to do shell script (“security find-generic-password -l "MAMP" | grep "acct" | cut -c 19-99 | sed ‘s/"//g’”) - no problem
set thePassword to do shell script (“security find-generic-password -wl "MAMP"”) - fails
do shell script “/Applications/MAMP/bin/startApache.sh &” password thePassword user name theUserName with administrator privileges - fails, password not found
Has anyone seen this issue and is there a fix that uses applescript? For the moment username and password as plain text fixes the above but would prefer to have them in the Password app.
Thanks Dave