I have a basic applescript that sends the contents of a folder to iFlicks for video processing.
I would like to modify the script so that it only sends the largest file in the folder.
Any ideas?
on adding folder items to thisFolder after receiving addedItems
repeat with movieFile in addedItems
tell application "iFlicks"
import movieFile without gui
end tell
end repeat
end adding folder items to
This would work…
on adding folder items to thisFolder after receiving addedItems
tell application "Finder"
-- get the information from this folder
set {theSizes, theNames} to {size, name} of every file of thisFolder
-- find the largest
set largestFileName to missing value
set largestSize to 0
repeat with i from 1 to count of theSizes
set thisSize to item i of theSizes
if thisSize is greater than largestSize then
set largestFileName to item i of theNames
set largestSize to thisSize
end if
end repeat
-- assemble the path to the largest file
set largestFilePath to (thisFolder as text) & largestFileName
end tell
-- do something with the largest file
tell application "iFlicks"
import file largestFilePath without gui
end tell
end adding folder items to
This works for finding the path to the largest file in a chosen folder:
set tLargest to 0
set tName to missing value
-- collect the files
tell application "Finder"
set tSource to choose folder
set tFiles to files of entire contents of tSource as alias list
end tell
-- "info for" is faster than the Finder for sizes
repeat with oneFile in tFiles
set {size:tSize} to info for oneFile
if tSize > tLargest then
set tLargest to tSize
set tName to contents of oneFile
end if
end repeat
-- tName will contain an alias to the largest file in the chosen folder
Oops – Hank beat me to it and his script is more relevant to your problem