Thanks to a bunch of help from the users here I have a first version of my app ready. I am on an older mac running 10.4.11, but would like users with newer systems to also be able to benefit from my app. So…how do I go about that? I apologize if this is the wrong place for this. I did see the macdeveloper link in the index page, but did not know if that is where I should go for my little app.
Thank you,
Model: iMac g4
Browser: Firefox 3.5.7
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)
Hi Todd,
Well, if I am not mistaken, any AS Studio app developed for 10.4 should technically run under 10.5 fine. But I remember I remember I had some bugs at first when switching to 10.5, I had to fix a few things. But no major problems.
I believe that if your goal is to support 10.4 and 10.5 users is to yourself switch to 10.5 and test your app. Just make sure to select 10.4 as the base SDK and to select it also as the minimum OS in the inspector.
As for 10.6, the only problem I have is that sometimes, compiled apps (even though they are AS studio, not ASObj) do not run the same way under 10.5 and 10.6. I cant switch to ASOC right now because the company I work for has not approved it yet (I’ve been told soon, but by the time everyone has switched, it will take some time) and I cannot do the upgrades I am planning for my many apps just yet. So as an advice, either keep two machines with 10.5 and 10.6 handy, or when you make the switch to 10.6, do it completely without looking back (I mean going ASOC by that). As I said, it looks like ASStudio apps are (strangely) not well supported under 10.6.
Model: MacBookPro2,2
Browser: Safari 531.9
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.6)