Quark 8.5.1 file path issue

After my company’s OS image update, Quark was updated to 8.5.1. Since then I have not been able to save projects to our user’s Work folder unless I use the specific name of the HD.

Trouble is that all of the HDs are named differently and there are many of them so installing a specific version of the script to individual machines is not convenient.

Here is the previous version:

tell application "QuarkXPress"
	if not (exists project 1) then
		set wfPath to (":Users:Shared:Work:")
		save project 1 in (wfPath & (newVCode) & "-" & (newIHD) & ".qxp") as text
	end if
end tell

Here is the new version, designating the HD.

tell application "QuarkXPress"
	if not (exists project 1) then
		set wfPath to ("MacintoshHD:Users:Shared:Work:")
		save project 1 in (wfPath & (newVCode) & "-" & (newIHD) & ".qxp") as text
	end if
end tell

Is there a way I can change this path from within Quark or have AS change the path as needed so Quark can understand it? I have been unsuccessful so far.

Thank you.

Model: 2.66 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon
AppleScript: 2.1.2
Browser: Safari 533.21.1
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.6)