after upgrading to 10.6 and Quark 8 i have severall speed problem using existing applescripts in Quark 8. The script bellow need only 1 sec to finish but in quark 8 - 40 sec (in th applescript row → set OTab to story 1 of every generic cell).
Any idea how to change the syntax to SPEED UP the script?! I have already noticed, if i delete all other picture and text objects in quark document (letting only the table to read the data from) i get better resullts but it is stil 10x slower comparing to quark 7 and 10.5
tell application “QuarkXPress”
--Preveri Tabelu i preberi podatke
tell document 1
set TableFound to false
set brojac to 1
set TabNUM to "Ni Tabele"
repeat until TableFound
set TableName to name of table box brojac
on error
display dialog TabNUM
end try
if TableName = "Tabela" then
set TableFound to true
set TabNUM to brojac
set brojac to brojac + 1
end if
end repeat
set NameOfTable to name of table box TabNUM
tell table box TabNUM
set OTab to story 1 of every generic cell
end tell
set imeDoc20crk to ""
set NovoIme to item 1 of OTab
display dialog NovoIme
end tell
end tell
Model: iMac 27" i7, Mac OS 10.6.4, Quark
AppleScript: ScriptEditor 2.3, version 2.1.2
Browser: Safari 533.16
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.6)