Quark, AppleScript, -48 Duplicate filename

I am currently using a slightly modified version of Edward St. Misiuk’s Quark to PS.
I am on a 9.2.2 OS, g4, dual processor, using quark 4.1.1. Has anyone run into and solved the Duplicate filename error that occurs when processing these docs. The print process starts and right at the postscript step I receive the error. Even if I rename the file, it occurs. Some times if I restart Quark or even the system then it goes through. Any help will be appreciated.

property DocumentPath : ""

on run
	display dialog "Drag QuarkXPress documents" & return & "on me for creating PostScript from each page of them…" with icon stop
end run

on open _selection
	tell application "Finder" to ¬
		set _files to files of selection
	set DocumentPath to (choose file name with prompt ¬
		"Please, set destination for output files…" default name "default") as string
	repeat with j from 1 to length of _files
		process_document(item j of _files)
	end repeat
end open

on process_document(processing_doc)
	tell application "QuarkXPress™ 4.11"
		open processing_doc use doc prefs yes
		tell document 1
			set processing_pages to name of pages
			if class of processing_pages is not list then ¬
				set processing_pages to coerce processing_pages to list
			set doc_name to name
			set page_width to (page width as real) + 0 -- bleed*2 value
			tell print setup
				ignoring white space and case
					set adjust horizontal tile to false
					set back to front to false
					set bleed to 0
					set collate to false
					set data format to binary data
					set fit in area to false
					set flip horizontal to false
					set flip vertical to false
					set halftone screen to "100"
					set include blank pages to false
					set invert image to false
					set orientation to portrait
					set page gap to "0 mm"
					set page position to center horizontal
					set page sequence to all pages
					set paper offset to "0 mm"
					set paper width to page_width
					set print colors as grays to false
					set print quality to normal
					set print spreads to false
					set print thumbnails to false
					set printer type to "AP Acrobat Distiller"
					set reduce or enlarge to 100
					set registration marks to off
					set registration marks offset to "6 pt"
					set resolution to 1200
					set separation to false
					set tiling to off
				end ignoring
			end tell
			repeat with i from 1 to length of processing_pages
				set processing_page to item i of processing_pages
				show page processing_page
				set PS_file_path to coerce (DocumentPath & "•" & processing_page) to string
				print page processing_page ¬
					copies 1 cover page no OPI include images ¬
					PostScript file PS_file_path
			end repeat
			close saving no
		end tell
	end tell
end process_document

Thank you for your support. stefan

It could have something to do with the Autosave option. Probably you won’t get the error if you turn it off.

Auto Save is off, and virus protection is off. I have been viewing many problems with different software, like EarthLink, Filemaker and a few others, trying to figure how it may coincide with the Quark/Postscripting error. Obviously Quark, Adobe and Apple are not sure, well at least Apple and Adobe aren’t sure, and no answer form Quark. My next step is to move all artwork to my computer to see if thats the case. I already copy all quark files and update all pictures before the process.

Thank you for the response and I will post anymore findings. You will find me contributing to this forum in the future.


This is a classic problem with Quark (at least Quark 4.x). Some years since last time I automated PS printing, but I think one of the solutions was printing the postscript to the startup disk (Eg: “Macintosh HD:”), then moving the file to its final location (using a folder action or an applet monitorizing such folder).
Try this and, if you need it, I will take a look to my old archives…

Thanks, that was the answer I was expecting sooner or later. I am going to attempt it myself because I am fairly new at Applescript. I should get familar with it.


I tried the startup disk, no path and “MacHD:Desktop Folder”. Sad thing the only solution I did get to work was quitting quark and restarting for every document. Next thing I tried was calling a separate script, didn’t work. I am going to try using different printer descriptions… Probably the same result. If you happen to stumble across the script you were talking about that would be a great help.


I currently make 150 to 250 Hi res PDF’s a week for publication. I have it down to such a damn art, creating postscripts.

No, there are not magical scripts, but only some “old” docs regarding the issue (though basically are the explained). This did work for me in the past, but I know it didn’t for others…

And here is a link for the invention of Patrick Kenny (a very active member of the Quark forum in the past):
(I can’t test it just now, but I think it was a demo, perhaps you could contact Rick and ask him for the full version… :idea: )

Excellent. You have overloaded me research material. Most appreciative on my part. If it doesn’t work soon, I am taking at a lose and they are going to upgrade my station. If I do get it to work, I get 2 staions. Either way I look forward to the dat they upgrade my station to a G5, til then I must rediscover the hidden “eggs” of Classic and quark 4… What a world… Thanks again JJ. I will leave a post after I venture through all these suggestions.


greetings form a third of the way around the world

Yes, I found no conclusive way to get this working on my system, so I borrowed a friend’s Quark 5 and there is nothing wrong with the script. So as for that nasty error farewell. Next order of business invest in Quark 5. 8)