Query audio format of currently playing track in Music app?

I am trying to query the audio format of the currently playing track.

  • Stereo
  • Dolby Audio
  • Dolby Atmos
  • etc.

For non-stereo formats a symbol is shown in the playback info bar of Music app.

And apps like ToothFairy report it.

I tried the standard properties query but it does not include this info:

tell application "Music"
    get properties of current track
end tell

Any ideas?

  • Sonoma 14.4
  • Music 1.4.4
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Your best bet is to open the scriptinf dictionary while music is open and go to the explorer section (assuming Script debugger).

Also open music and do a get info on the current track and see what “variable” your looking for.

Just had a leak at Toothfairy and there is no indication of it talking to Music. It works with the system Audio. So I don’t think it’s getting this info from music.

Any audioFileFormat stuff is file based and not MetaData / Tag based.

You can get the location of the current track and then run other scripts / shells etc to query that info