Greetings from Germany. My English is not very good, I try to explain my Question.
Look here:
set avalue to 3
my testhandler(avalue)
on testhandler(x)
script e
set x to x + 5
end script
run e
return x
end testhandler
It works and the result is 8 (!) although inside script e is x not (!) defined. It comes from outside.
Why has the script-object e the Variable x?
set x to 3
#my testhandler(avalue)
script e
set x to x + 5
end script
run e
return x
The same Construct without a Wrapper-Handler: Failed – x is not defined.
Thanks for Answers.
These Constructs are needed for a redundancy coding.
The script object e is local to the handler and is “instantiated” (ie. created) every time the handler’s executed. The process creating it already knows about x as it’s the handler’s parameter variable. Basically, within the scope of the handler, x is x, even inside a local script object.
But if you were to give e its own x, it would use that instead. (I see KniazidisR’s added something similar.):
set avalue to 3
my testhandler(avalue) --> 3
on testhandler(x)
script e
property x : 15
set x to x + 5
end script
run e
return x
end testhandler
I deleted my wrong explanation. As I see now, declaring x of inside script object as local, property, or global makes the same. It is enough some declaration and the variable became encapsulated. It was new for me too.