QuickTime 4.1
In January 2000, Apple released QuickTIme 4.1 and a very scriptable version of QuickTime Player. The release was accompanied by an extensive collection of AppleScript Scripts for QuickTime 4.1. The preliminary documentation for QuickTime 4.1, released shortly later, includes a chapter on AppleScript support in the Player. QuickTime 4.1: About AppleScript and QuickTime Player (TIL #60687 1/18/00, updated 1/20/00) describes the new scriptable QuickTime Player. Technote 1197, QuickTime 4.1.1/4.1.2, includes a note that QuickTime 4.1.1 fixed two AppleScript bugs in QuickTime Player: the frontmost window was not getting targeted by default, and the Close Every Window command would fail with an error. 5/23/00