Hi, I’m an ESL teacher in Japan. Please excuse my noobiness, I am not a programmer. I just want to set up a script to record some of my classes with Quicktime at certain class times. Once I have the script working, scheduling it to run in iCal should not be a problem. Here is what I have so far:
tell application “QuickTime Player”
new movie recording
end tell
Seems simple enough, it opens Quicktime, opens a new recording window with video coming in through the camera, but it doesn’t start recording. It gives no errors. I have not tried adding any code to limit the time or save the file as I am kind of trying to figure things out step by step, ie., get it to start recording, and then figure out how to make it stop and save the file, etc. I have searched all over this site and others, there isn’t much info about using Applescript with Quicktime. I am obviously making some mistake which should be easy for a veteran Applescripter to help me with.
Model: MacBook Pro 13.3 2.26
AppleScript: 2.3
Browser: Firefox 3.5.3
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.6)