Quicktime error

Newbie here. I tried to create a small script to play a .wav file during startup. Using the Script Editor, I opened the file, played it, and quit Quicktime. The script displayed in the Script Editor window, but when I ran it, I got an error message stating: Quicktime Player got an error: movie “anticipation.wav” doesn’t understand the “play” message.

How can it not understand the “play” message, when the script editor itself put it in?

This is the entire script:

tell application “QuickTime Player”
play movie “anticipation.wav”
end tell

I have Quicktime Player 6.1 and Script Editor 1.9

Thanks for any help you can give,

You should open the file before playing it?

tell app "QuickTime Player"
     open alias "path:to:sound.aif"
     play movie 1

Anyway, you may find useful Jon’s Commands’ command “play sound”, which will play your selected sound without the need to open an app:

play sound alias "path:to:sound.sfil"

(sfil is “system 7 sound” format, otherwise it won’t work)
You can take a look to Jon’s Commands’ latest version at http://www.seanet.com/~jonpugh/