Quicktime export settings file

10.6.8, Quick Time Player 7.6.6 PRO is installed.

Im trying to export an image sequence in jpeg format using a frame rate of “.02”.
Manually this works yielding 70 or so images for a 60 min video. When saving the settings file it does not matter what options are set, the resulting file is exactly the same. I assume its BROKEN.
Question 1. Anybody have input on a valid settings file format?
Question 2. a better way with another tool? ffmpeg?

I was wanting to keep simple by using quicktime and will probably just roll through a file making a selection and copy pasting to a new file. then export the new file.

Have any code please post.

set exportSettingsPath to (path to desktop folder as string) & "out:ImageSequenceExportSettings"
tell application "QuickTime Player 7"
	tell first document
		save export settings for {QuickTime movie} to exportSettingsPath with replacing
		export to file "test" as image sequence using settings file exportSettingsPath
	end tell
end tell

The settings file

<sean(sounúaudi<osbd@Áplpcmžcdst<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

converter SampleRateConverter name Sample Rate Converter parameters available values Faster Fast Normal Better Best current value 2 hint 0 key Quality name Quality summary Quality setting for the sample rate converter. value type 22 available values Pre Normal None current value 1 hint 2 key Priming Method name Priming Method summary Priming method for the sample rate converter. value type 22 version 0 clayerecoqlty@verssscttwosssrtªÃ„ssssssccvers

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