Quicktime Player script problem

I am trying to write an applescript which will export a quicktime movie in the available export options on classic SSW using Applescript 1.8.3 which is installed with the system and quicktime player v6.

I am using the following code:

tell application “Quicktime Player”
export movie “AlienSong.mpeg” to “Dummy” as BMP
end tell

I am getting the following error:
Applescript Error: QuickTime Player got an error: Can’t make some data into the expected type

This works fine for me on OS X system software. The problem is getting it to work on OS 9.

You might need to provide a complete file reference for the export file, such as: alias “path:to:Dummy”

– Rob

I have tried adding the following line

set destinationpath to “BootVol:ExportFiles:dummyfile”

export movie “AlienSong.mpeg” to destinationpath as BMP

but I am still getting the same error that

Applescript Error: QuickTime Player got an error: Can’t make some data into the expected type

Any other ideas on what I need to do here for OS 9 SSW