Quicktime V ideo Hepl

After opening a number of Quicktime Video files, I hope to be able to play them all at the same time. just with one Applescript Run command.
I would like ot be able to start this playback either from the beginning or wherever I place the cursor in the timeline of Quicktime Pro. Can I achieve this with Applescript?


Model: MacBookPro2,2
Browser: Safari 419.3
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)

tell application "QuickTime Player"
	tell every movie to play
end tell

Or you can just go to the “View” menu in quicktime and select “Play all movies”

Thank you very much …

Is there a similar command to instruct Quicktime to pause all movies?


As you might have gathered I am not very good at Apple Script

try stop or pause instead of play.