read and write to file from table view

is there any way to read and write data to a file from a table view that has a data source? how would i do that?

Try this,

	tell data source of table view 1 of scroll view 1 of window 1
		set therow to make new data row at end of data rows
		set contents of data cell 1 of therow to "MacScripter BBS"
		set text_for_file to contents of data cell 1 of therow
	end tell
	set the export_log to ((path to desktop folder) & "Output File") as string
	set the opn_export_log to open for access file export_log with write permission
	set eof of the opn_export_log to 0
	write text_for_file & "\n" to the opn_export_log
	close access the opn_export_log

	set the export_log to ((path to desktop folder) & "Output File") as string
	set the opn_export_log to open for access file export_log 
       set read_opn_export_log to read the the opn_export_log
       set get_it_back to paragraph 1 of of the read_opn_export_log 
	close access the opn_export_log

	tell data source of table view 1 of scroll view 1 of window 1
		set therow to make new data row at end of data rows
		set contents of data cell 1 of therow to get_it_back 
	end tell


that looks like it will only do one row of the table, how do i make it do the whole table?
