Readability: A JavaScript to enhance reading articles on the web.

Readability Link to

The following JavaScript from Arc90 "makes reading on the web more enjoyable by removing the clutter around what you're reading" and the Readability site allows you to set Style, Size and Margin in the material. It is normally used by dragging a link from the Readability page to your Bookmarks Bar, and that puts the JavaScript below as the content of the bookmark. The page thus created in your browser has a link on it to return to the original source.

Visit "" for your own copy.

Because I'm an avid Quicksilver fan (but there are lots of alternatives), I prefer to set up a trigger to run the script below so I can enhance the readability of an article I'm looking at with a simple key combination. Although it cannot render every site I visit, it does remarkably well.

set JS to "javascript:(function(){readStyle='style-novel';readSize='size-large';readMargin='margin-wide';_readability_script=document.createElement('SCRIPT');_readability_script.type='text/javascript';_readability_script.src=''+(Math.random());document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(_readability_script);_readability_css=document.createElement('LINK');_readability_css.rel='stylesheet';_readability_css.href='';_readability_css.type='text/css';'screen';document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(_readability_css);_readability_print_css=document.createElement('LINK');_readability_print_css.rel='stylesheet';_readability_print_css.href='';'print';_readability_print_css.type='text/css';document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(_readability_print_css);})();"

tell application "Safari" to do JavaScript JS in document 1

Wow! I like this idea Adam. I hadn’t seen this before. Thanks for the info.

I’ve improved it a bit; it works in NetNewsWire too:

The following JavaScript from Arc90 "makes reading on the web more enjoyable by removing the clutter around what you're reading" and the Readability site allows you to set Style, Size and Margin in the material. It is normally used by dragging a link from the Readability page to your Bookmarks Bar, and that puts the JavaScript below as the content of the bookmark. The page thus created in your browser has a link on it to return to the original source.

Visit "" for your own copy.

Because I'm an avid Quicksilver fan (but there are lots of alternatives), I prefer to set up a trigger to run the script below so I can enhance the readability of an article I'm looking at with a simple key combination. Although it cannot render every site I visit, it does remarkably well.
-- Note that the script below has been altered for readability. The original is all one string.

set JS to "readStyle='style-novel';
	_readability_print_css.rel='stylesh  eet';

tell application "System Events" to set last_app to item 1 of (get name of processes whose frontmost is true)
if last_app is "Safari" then
	tell document 1 of application "Safari" to do JavaScript JS
else if last_app is "NetNewsWire" then
	tell document 1 of application "NetNewsWire" to do JavaScript JS
	beep 3
end if