I’m making an application that reads a text file into a table, and I nead some help, please.
I looked at apples “Archive Maker” example, and it helped with some of the table stuff, but not all.
I know how to read in files, using the cat shell script with applescript, but I need help organizing the text file, and then dumping the values into a table.
Question 1, is it possible to have items in a table with “hidden properties”? Like the item “bob” of a table might also be associated with the path “bob2.txt” that is not visible in the table? If so, how?
If I do that, would I need a variable for every single item on the table? I could always just use a loop, right?
Question 2, when reading a multi line variable in applescript like this one:
You know the “word i of myVariable” system right? Well, is it possible to take lines instead of words?
like: set whatever to line 2 of whatever2