As I wrote several times, I’m not at ease with terminal so I tried to answer using ASObjC Runner.
set target to (path to documents folder as text) & "tempo:"
tell application "ASObjC Runner"
set longList to enumerate folder target modified before {false, (current date) - 90 * days} with recursion
set pathsAndDates to {}
repeat with aFile in longList
set end of pathsAndDates to (about file aFile include only {"POSIX path", "modification date"})
end repeat
set begOfList to rearrange records pathsAndDates by keys "modification date" without ascending orders
end tell
if count begOfList > 10 then set begOfList to items 1 thru 10 of begOfList
Here I got :
{{name:" ebay", modification date:date “dimanche 3 février 2013 18:42:34”, POSIX path:“/Users/yvankoenig/Documents/tempo/ ebay”}, {name:" 2011-11-17-ebay 1.png", modification date:date “dimanche 3 février 2013 18:42:07”, POSIX path:“/Users/yvankoenig/Documents/tempo/ ebay/ 2011-11-17-ebay 1.png”}, {name:“pour Luther.pdf”, modification date:date “samedi 19 janvier 2013 16:15:52”, POSIX path:“/Users/yvankoenig/Documents/tempo/ ebay/pour Luther.pdf”}, {name:" pour Seed", modification date:date “vendredi 25 janvier 2013 12:16:26”, POSIX path:“/Users/yvankoenig/Documents/tempo/ pour Seed”}, {name:“2013-01-09T12.23.02.png”, modification date:date “mercredi 9 janvier 2013 12:23:14”, POSIX path:“/Users/yvankoenig/Documents/tempo/ pour Seed/2013-01-09T12.23.02.png”}, {name:“2013-01-25-iMac.spx”, modification date:date “vendredi 25 janvier 2013 11:37:32”, POSIX path:“/Users/yvankoenig/Documents/tempo/ pour Seed/2013-01-25-iMac.spx”}, {name:“2013-01-25T11.22.35.png”, modification date:date “vendredi 25 janvier 2013 11:22:46”, POSIX path:“/Users/yvankoenig/Documents/tempo/ pour Seed/2013-01-25T11.22.35.png”}, {name:“2013-01-25T11.23.45.png”, modification date:date “vendredi 25 janvier 2013 11:23:52”, POSIX path:“/Users/yvankoenig/Documents/tempo/ pour Seed/2013-01-25T11.23.45.png”}, {name:“2013-01-25T11.24.19.png”, modification date:date “vendredi 25 janvier 2013 11:24:25”, POSIX path:“/Users/yvankoenig/Documents/tempo/ pour Seed/2013-01-25T11.24.19.png”}, {name:“2013-01-25T11.24.30.png”, modification date:date “vendredi 25 janvier 2013 11:24:37”, POSIX path:“/Users/yvankoenig/Documents/tempo/ pour Seed/2013-01-25T11.24.30.png”}}
I let you extracting what is relevant for you from the begOfList value.
Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) samedi 30 mars 2013 17:31:35