refering to startup disk

I thought I could refer to the startup disk as “startup disk”
But this does not seem to work for me.
I cant even get this to work
make folder at startup disk with properties {name:“folder1”}
Error= Can’t make folder
Do I have to somehow define the startup disk first?
I wan’t to be able to have the script run on multible macs with different hard drive names, therefore the path needs to use the “startup disk” as the variable, and not the actual name.
Thanks in advance.

: I thought I could refer to the startup disk as “startup
: disk”
: But this does not seem to work for me.
: I cant even get this to work
: make folder at startup disk with properties
: {name:“folder1”}
: Error= Can’t make folder
: Do I have to somehow define the startup disk first?
: I wan’t to be able to have the script run on multible macs with
: different hard drive names, therefore the path needs to use
: the “startup disk” as the variable, and not the
: actual name.
: Thanks in advance.

tell application "Finder"
	make folder at startup disk with properties {name:"folder1"}
end tell

: I thought I could refer to the startup disk as “startup
: disk”

Only inside a Finder tell block or as a parameter of the ‘path to’ command.

: I cant even get this to work
: make folder at startup disk with properties
: {name:“folder1”}

These are all Finder terms. They need to be addressed to the Finder:

 tell application "Finder"
    make folder at startup disk with properties {name:"folder1"}
  end tell